07/06/23 Oak Mountain Rainout

7/6/23 – OMSP Rainout

Rolled the dice on getting a loop in at OMSP. Had to bail as it started raining while I was going out on seven bridges. By the time I got to tranquility road, the trails were getting muddy. I hopped off on tranquility road as it started lightning. I took shelter at the cabins, met the tiniest frog I have seen in a long time, checked the radar, and found a 30 minute gap between two thunderheads, the one I was in and the next one. As soon as I could hear the rain lighten up, I headed down to the road and back to the car. I was hoping to get lucky and ride dry, but never ride on muddy trails. Especially where great folks like BUMP keep them perfect year round. I’m very thankful for all yall do for us.

Photos – https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/has5rvrrt8s78nuhizb67/h?rlkey=au6box3d3bupvgwgv4vk41j3a&dl=0