10/14/23 Peach Eatin’ Horse

Peach Eatin Horse got rode today. It was just Terri and me today. So you know, if I throw out a ride and you’re the only other one that shows, we’re still gonna have a great day.

Last time I posted pics of Mr. Ed, I got asked for scale references, you’re welcome. Pics still don’t do him justice, he’s a big boy.

I brought some blueberries with me for Ed, and he loved them. I even got video of him nodding his head when I asked him if he wanted some. We got to spend some good quality time with him. He had a stick stuck in his mane, so we took care of that and got to get a lot more pets in than last time.

What a great day on bikes. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/4tt0j2k4675haxv0tjnaf/ADqzWble7R9zn5YgW4UiezM?rlkey=2knr8gw65s1lk92xnthxl848y&dl=0